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Chromecast & DD-WRT for Smart DNS Proxy to Work With

As you know Chromecast uses Google DNS as default. Only very few routers can bypass this and one of them is DD-WRT (www.dd-wrt.com).

Note: Some of our users mentioned that following dd-wrt setup is not working properly on their network. In this case we suggest you setup STATIC ROUTING on your router. Please find all Chromecast DNS Setup Troubleshoot information here.


In order to use Chromecast with Smart DNS Proxy you will need further setup on your DD-WRT router.

1.Go to is default dd-wrt admin panel IP. If you have changed it in your router, please use your own internal IP address.

2. Login to your router. Default credentials are root/admin.

3. Go to Setup > Basic Setup > Network Setup > Network Address Server Settings (DHCP).

4. Set DNS 
to and

5. Click Apply Settings.

6. Go to Services > Services > Services Management > DNSMasq > Additional DNSMasq Options and Enter the following in the text box: 


7. Click Apply Settings.

8. Go to Administration > Commands.

9. Input:

iptables -t nat -A PREROUTING -d -j DNAT --to-destination

iptables -t nat -A PREROUTING -d -j DNAT --to-destination

10. Click Save Firewall.

11. Click Save Startup.


Make sure to RESTART your Router!

* Remember whenever your PC/Router IP changes, our service will stop working for you. You will need to LOG INTO Smart DNS Proxy and UPDATE your IP address. So our system will check your IP address and add your new IP to our database. Then you will be able to continue using our service. If this is the first time you setup, we also suggest you to login with your PC to our site from the same Wired/Wireless network to show our system your IP address.

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