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Apple TV Setup for Smart DNS Proxy

Following setup instructions is only needed one time. Once you finish the initial setup you won't be needing to take the same steps anytime. Your connection will work automatically  *anytime! (as long as your IP is in our database - please read info at the end of this instructions)

Below you can find our short video about Apple TV setup. Below the video, you can find step by step instructions:

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If you are planning to use AppleTV we recommend you to configure your router. Please find router configuration details in our How to Setup page. With router setup all your devices in the network connected to your router gets access to Smart DNS Proxy.

*** UPDATE (2014-August) Netflix Application is now forces you to have 1st router setup (click here how) and 2nd static ip routing (click here how). ***

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If you don't have access to the router you are connected to, please find Smart DNS Proxy setup instructions for AppleTV below:

1. On Apple TV, go the Settings > General > Network.

2. Select Wi-Fi for wireless network or Ethernet if you have wired connection. For wireless network, you'll have to select Wi-Fi network and may need to enter Wi-Fi password (if you didn't do it before).

3. Go to Configure DNS and switch it to Manual.

4. Enter following Smart DNS Proxy IPs for Preferred DNS server and Alternate DNS Server and click "Done":

From the following use the closest dns server to your physical location as Preferred DNS Server, and second closest dns server to your physical location as Alternate DNS server.

The list of IP addresses of our DNS severs can be found on our DNS Server List here: https://www.smartdnsproxy.com/Servers

5. Confirm on "Network" screen the DNS address is the numbers you entered (leading zeros will be omitted).

6. Go the Settings > General > iTunes Store > Location.

7. Select United States.

8. Return back to main screen.

9. Put the Apple TV to sleep with the Sleep Now command in Settings.

10. Unplug the Apple TV power cord.

11. Wait ten seconds.

12. Plug the Apple TV back in.


Make sure to RESTART your AppleTV!

* Remember whenever your AppleTV/Router IP changes, our service will stop working for you. You will need to LOG INTO Smart DNS Proxy and UPDATE your IP address so that our system could check your IP address and add your new IP to our database. Then, you will be able to continue using our service. If this is the first time you set up, we also suggest you to log in with your PC to our site from the same Wired/Wireless network to show our system your IP address.

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