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Sony TV Setup for Smart DNS Proxy

Following setup instructions are only needed one time. Once you finish the initial setup, you won't be needing to take the same steps again. Your connection will work automatically *anytime!

Press Home, then Select Setup > Network > Network Setup

Select Wired Setup or Wireless Setup depending on how your TV is connected to your home network.

Select Custom and Enter the following Smart DNS Proxy Servers: - Select the closest servers for DNS 1 to your physical location and second closest to DNS 2.

The list of IP addresses of our DNS severs can be found on our DNS Server List here: https://www.smartdnsproxy.com/Servers

Now restart your TV and it will start using Smart DNS Proxy.

* Remember whenever your TV/Router IP changes, our service will stop working for you. You will need to LOG INTO Smart DNS Proxy so that our system could check your IP address and add your new IP to our database. Then, you will be able to continue using our service.

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