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VPN Setup for ChromeOS: L2TP

Below, you will find instructions on how to set up VPN on ChromeOS.

  1. Log in to your Chrome device.
  2. Open Chrome browser and select Settings or click the status bar at the bottom right of your desktop and select Settings.

3. In the Internet connection section, click  Add connection.

4. Click  OpenVPN/L2TP

5. In the dialog specify the following information:

  • Server hostname: Enter a server hostname from the list here.
  • Provider type: Select L2TP/IPsec + Pre-shared key.
  • Pre-shared key: s3CuREpaSs412
  • Server CA certificate: Select Default.
  • User certificate: Select None installed.
  • Username: Enter your user name. (Please remember that you need to activate your VPN account username in your Smart DNS Proxy My Account / VPN section. Your VPN username is different than your Smart DNS Proxy login ID.)
  • Password: Enter your password.
  • OTP: leave empty
  • VPN Group: leave empty

Click the Connect button.

6. Click the status bar at the bottom right and check status of VPN connection.

7. Check public IP on http://ifconfig.co

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