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Squid3 Proxy Setup for Safari

How to set up HTTP proxy on Safari Browser

1. Open Safari Menu and click on Preferences.

2. A new window pops up. Go to the Advanced tab and next to the Proxies you will see a button Change Settings. Click on it.

3. In another new window you have to choose the protocol to configure. Check the box Web Proxy (HTTP).
In the Web Proxy Server field enter one of VPN’s servers addresses. Make sure to use ONLY Torrent/P2P servers marked "YES'. (Click here to find our VPN Server List) Next to it, enter the Port, which is 3128.
Same setting apply to Secure Web proxy (HTTPS).
Check the box Proxy server requires password and enter your Username and Password in the authentication fields.
Same setting apply to Secure Web proxy (HTTPS).
Press OK.

4. You might be prompted for the username and password once more when you will try to access a site. In this case, enter your Username and Password and click on OK.

5. Safari configuration is completed and from now on you can browse anonymously.

In order to check whether it really works, go to What is my IP address website. There you will see the IP address of your chosen server.

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