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Squid3 Proxy Setup for Firefox

Set up HTTP proxy to work with Mozilla Firefox Browser.

1. Open Firefox Mozilla
2. Click on the Firefox Menu, which is in the top-right corner of the browser window and then press Options.

3. Options window opens. Click on Advanced. It can be found at the bottom of the Menu list.

4. Choose Network tab and click on the button Settings.

5. A new window pops up. Choose the following Manual proxy configuration.

6. In the HTTP proxy field enter one of VPN servers addresses. Make sure to use ONLY Torrent/P2P servers marked "YES'. (Click to find our VPN Server List) Also, check the box Use this proxy server for all protocols.
For Port enter 3128.
It is optional to choose the box Do not prompt for authentication if password is saved. If you choose it, then once you save credentials for proxies, the authentication will not prompt again, unless it fails.
Click on OK.

7. When you will try to access a site you will be prompted for the username and password. Enter your Username and Password and press OK.

8. Your Mozilla Firefox configuration is done.
If you want to check whether HTTP proxy really works, go to What is my IP address website. There you will see the IP address of your chosen server.

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