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Create US Xbox Live Account

How To Create US Xbox 360 Live Account? (US Xbox 360 Account)

In order to access Netflix, Hulu Plus and many other streaming apps you must have Xbox Live account! Some apps like HULU Plus are only visible with US Xbox Live account. You can use your US Xbox Live account to download apps from US store and then switch it to other Xbox Live accounts nations.

Setting Up US Xbox 360 Account

1. Create a free Xbox Live account and enter any US address with a valid US Zip code. We suggest you to enter a real US address. You may google any hotel addresses from US.

2. Download the Netflix App (or any other apps you like to stream from US that we support).

3. Change your Xbox Locale set to "United States" from Settings > System > Console Settings > Language and Locale > Locale. For example if you don't make this change the latest version of Hulu Plus won't work.

4. Restart your Xbox 360.

5. Launch the Netflix App (or any other apps you downloaded).

* We do not support "native" Xbox downloads. So we don't provide any help you to download games, apps, etc not available in your region.

* If you are not located in where you can access a local Netflix, then you will need to create a US Netflix account in order to access US Netflix.

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